Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Proud of myself and also depressed about last night.
Couldn't force myself to eat anything without crying.
The obvious downside is that this nastiness is back and it's not just weight loss anymore. I don't think it ever really was but now at least I'm acknowledging it.

Probably the other day at work when I had a small egg white wrap and then immediately booked it to the bathroom and spent my entire lunch break shoving my hand down my throat was when I realized.

And B if you're reading this...I love you. Please don't make me take this blog down. Stop reading it and forget you ever saw it. I'm so ashamed.



Kitty said...

I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's not an easy road, I know. Once you start, it's hard to fix. You'll be okay, there's many of us here for you. <3

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