Saturday, July 17, 2010


After a binge day yesterday where I probably consumed 3k calories I have gained.

I'm sure it will be gone soon once I fucking SHIT for once jeebuz.

Yesterday I was overcome with cramps and felt like i had to shit IMMEDIATELY in a dressing room no less. It's disgusting but I happened to have a plastic makeup bag with me at the time so i just bent over and went into that and threw it out in a trash can. I feel awful but I had no choice--its' that or shit my pants. It was awful, I cried, I wanted to die even though nobody knew.

And today I'm having a fat day. FUCK.

So time to get it moving.

Once Im' at school I'll be fine haha. that's the sad part. If I'm by myself I just don't eat 'cause I'm too lazy.




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