Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hovering around this weight but now I know it is my true weight, since it's been at a steady for about a week now. Not a ton of water fluctuation so that's good.

Worked out, ran 1.5 miles in 15 mins today, pretty decent considering i haven't been training. Stretched, did some abs, some lunges. Need to work on more.

Met this guy I work with, B, and we randomly got to talking yesterday at work. I always liked him but we talked about our secret passions, our likes, and they are so similar it's scary. We both have ambitious travel plans, can't do a nine to five, and are waiting until later to settle down. He has a good job, comes from a good family, great guy.

I still love my little mexican man though : ) B is just my friend, for now.

166 bitches. If I could just stop ingesting liquid calories I'd be fine. Need to work on my willpower.


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