Friday, May 28, 2010

171 this morning, probably 173 tomorrow.

After four days of essential starvation I was down to 171. SO close to being in the 160s, but there is always this week. Tomorrow is gonna be hard cause there will be people and food but I'm just gonna try n stay hydrated and awayyyy from the food. I'll be taking vitamins, excedrine, and coffee alllll day.

So 50 Cent apparently lost like 50 lb in a MONTH by going on a liquid diet and walking for three hours a day.

Guess who's goin' on that plan? This guy. Well I'll try to walk that long anyway. Idk if I can do it but we will see. I can always try--I did while I was at school. I need to not bulk up anyway.

But my measurements are down. 31 waist, 38.5 hips, 24.5 thighs, 15 knees, 11.5 arms.




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